Choose from INNO-F1, single-rider golf carts or INNO-F2, two-seater golf carts.

INNOXONE is the only golf cart manufacturer who offers both options.


INNO-F1 & F2 ensures operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness for golf course owners, while providing players with a convenient and comfortable premium golfing experience.


Why shouldn’t golf carts look stylish?

The basic design of golf carts has remained largely unchanged since the early 1950s when Merle Williams, the founder of Marketer, developed an electric golf cart for use on golf courses. It's interesting to consider that for over 70 years, the design of golf carts has remained stagnant, with little variation. It's peculiar that we never really questioned why all golf carts look so similar and lack aesthetic appeal.

When we introduced the INNO-F1 at the 2023 PGA, it was the first single-rider golf cart that was designed from the ground up by INNODESIGN. Visitors were amazed and exclaimed, "Wow! It's beautiful, it's stylish!" The launch of the INNO-F1 was a tremendous success, and as a result, we promptly made the decision to design and develop the INNO-F2, a golf cart for two.

We are proud to introduce the INNO-F1 & F2 as 'The Game Changer.' We believe that golf course owners will be eager to incorporate both the INNO-F1 & F2 models to provide the ultimate entertainment for their customers and players.